Sunday, March 23, 2008



Because as the years have rolled by my visits to art museums (and other, similar institutions) have enriched my life, added knowledge, staggered me with their glories. And of course on occasion certain museums have been less than a pleasant experience, depending on all sorts of variables--crowds, too-strict guards, lousy exhibitions, and other failings.

Because museums are often the sites of the latest, most comprehensive, biggest "blockbuster" exhibitions of whatever Impressionist or abstractionist or modernist or concept has currency in our popular culture.

Because museums offer us windows into other lives, other ideas, other locations and times.

And of course, because I can.

So herewith is a blog devoted to museums visited by the author and evaluated according to his own very personal taste and ideas. None of the posts here should be read as anything except my opinion. As such this blog probably has little value for those who want to know about the latest art exhibitions (although if I happened to be in the museum during a show I might comment on it). And if you are eager to learn about contemporary art galleries, or you're curious about the latest in conceptual art or installation art or any of the myriad newer kinds of art, you should look elsewhere. This blog is written for my own amusement and my own favorites are all you'll find. This blog will be decidedly personal.

Nor will I argue the meaning of art, or "what is art" because those are circular and non-productive discussions. Look elsewhere for arguments on aesthetics, or the ability (or lack of it) of any of the usual artists/targets, or for any of the dozens of disagreements that have characterized the ever-shifting scene in art.

I don't know much about this technology but as the blog continues there will doubtless be additions, links, indexes, images, and who-knows-what-all that finds its way into these pixels.

Last, although most people don't, if you want to post a comment, great. It's fun to hear from the rest of the world.

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